All hands on deck!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spend a little time out of your day!

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We need to start holding ASCAP responsible

We need to start holding American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP) and all the other music collectors of the worlds responsible for opening doors for the rest of the up-and coming artist! not just throwing shows and party's! become the gateway to major for independent artist who have the talent, but not the resources! Radio and TV should not only be for those few who can buy out, or better yet payoff national radio stations like clear channel media.Who for the life of me don't play or put hot new music in rotation, or play local music so the world music charts would have a few less artist to add to the count! You know and I know that there are artists out here with really good music, but can't get air play just because they didn't get to Las Vegas, NV and drop cash at the world wide radio convention that goes down every year. But this is just my thoughts!